Pet Safety During Severe Weather

Hurricanes, floods, and severe storms are not uncommon here in Houston, Texas, and unfortunately, these weather events can do a lot of damage to homes and communities.
As a member of your family, your pet's wellbeing is important. We'll help you plan for natural disasters so that your family and your pets can all weather the storm in safety. Our team of veterinarians and staff have put together some important storm pet safety tips below.
General Preparation Tips
- Have your pet microchipped and be sure to register their microchip with up-to-date contact information under your name. Pets that get lost are more likely to be found and returned to their owners if they have a chip.
- Make sure that your pet has updated ID tags that include your name, contact information, and their medical needs, along with a secure collar and/or harness.
- Your pet should always be current with their vaccinations. Check with your veterinarian if you're not sure, and get them updated as soon as possible.
- Stock up on batteries, flashlights and make sure phones are charged. Have emergency contacts in your phone and make sure all of your family members have them, too.
- Know the locations of all evacuation routes and animal shelters.
- Keep a portable radio for weather broadcasts and updates.
- If evacuation is possible and you think you'll need help, network with neighbors, friends and/or family members that can assist you and your pet in getting out safely.
If You're Staying Home
In places where safety risks are less severe, hunkering down at home might be the best option. If you choose to stay home, be sure to:
- Sanitize tubs, sinks, and empty bottles and fill them with clean water for drinking-you never know when you'll need it!
- Move electric appliances and other items to higher places in case of flooding.
- Have a first aid kit on hand for yourself and your pet.
- Stock up on non-perishable food items for you and your pet. If your pet takes medication, have it refilled ahead of time.
If You're Evacuating
- Practice evacuation drills with your family and pet(s) so that if the time comes, you'll be able to move quickly and not leave anything behind. This will also help your pet become more comfortable with the evacuation process.
- If you have time, turn off gas and water supplies and unplug all electric appliances before leaving.
- Put together a storm pet safety emergency pack that includes:
- Food and water for at least 7 days
- Water-purifying supplies
- Blankets and towels
- Food and water bowls for your pet
- Cat litter and disposable litter trays (if you have cats)
- Trash bags, paper towels, disinfectant, newspapers
- Extra collar and leash
- Your pet's updated vaccine and medical records
- Your pet's medications
- A sturdy travel carrier with plenty of space for your pet
- A recent photo of your pet in case they go missing
- A first-aid kit that includes gauze pads, cotton swabs, non-stick bandages, hydrogen peroxide, tweezers and topical antibiotic
- Your pet's favorite toy(s) and/or treats
- Arrange with a friend or family member living out of harm's way to care for your pet if you will be unable to take them with you.
Please call our pet clinic at (713) 524-3800 if you have questions about storm pet safety tips.